
Understanding How Hydraulic Tensioners Work

In terms of hydraulic tensioners and nuts, the same general operating principles apply. The fastener is applied with an accurate, axial load through high-pressure hydraulic oil from a pump. After reaching a predetermined pressure for the system, the operator makes use of a small bar to turn down the nut by hand. Accomplishing this is fairly easy since the nut does not have a load. When the operator seats the nut, they release the hydraulic pressure to move the axial load to the fastener.

Operating Hydraulic Stud Tensioner Models

Here’s how to operate hydraulic stud tensioners:

  • Fixed Hydraulic Tensioner. This tensioners is compact and easy to use. Every tool is designed for a thread size. The bridge is placed over the nut, threading the load cell on to the stud until it contacts the bridge. After connecting the hoses, the operator follows the general operating steps cited above.

  • Variable Hydraulic Tensioner. These models make it possible to tension many thread sizes or kinds of threads using hydraulic load cells. The come with side hydraulic ports to offer them the lowest installed height. To operate these models, the operator puts the bridge and load cell over the nut. Then, they thread the separate puller bar into the stud until it contacts the load cell. Finally, they connect the hoses and follow the same general operating steps mentioned above.

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning

Bolt tensioners stretch the bolt and make consistent clamping force when the nut is applied. This process offers highly accurate and repeatable outcomes.

Bolted connections are vital elements which impact the dependability and integrity of a plan. It is important to use advanced tool technology to ensure bolted connections do not pose significant threats of hand injuries and prevent them from shifting the critical path schedule because of dependability issues and disassembly speed. Hydraulic bolt tensioning makes sure that operations are free of leaks, saving money and time. Also, they keep the workforce safe. It is just important to apply the correct amount of compressive load to the sealing surface or gasket. Below are some reasons to use hydraulic bolt tensioning:

  • Accuracy. Tensioning offers the dependability required by delivering precise bolt loads to the joint.
  • Speed. Bolt tensioning eradicates cross-talk and deliver simultaneous bolt load and gasket compression across critical joints in the energy sector.
  • Safety. Tensioners are hands-free technology which reduces work-related accidents.

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