
Two Vital Categories of Privileged Account Management

Integrity of data is very crucial for every organization. Infrastructure and data are lifeblood of any business. In this virtual era, data usage is increasing in velocity and volume with business expanding their external and internal access points. Global collaboration and affiliating with freelancers and independent service providers for specific tasks is a concern for security of exiting IT system. Moreover, in the US businesses need to comply specific rules and regulations. Therefore, to avoid lawsuits or penalties because of data breaches, businesses need to actively manage account activities.

Business relies on privacy and accuracy of information. Privileged account management allows to manage access to IT resources. You can get answers to who, where, how, what, when and why related to information access by users. PAM [privilege access management] offers lots of benefits and can be categorized into 2 primary concerns including –

  • Password integrity management
  • Workflow & session management

Password integrity management

  • A security layer at access point has high deterrence value, which is targeted first. Strong password is vital for deterring hackers and even aligning with specific regulatory standards.

  • Primary level is password vaulting. Passwords are stored in digital location and protected by encryption through single password. It ensures very limited access to every admin password and so is hard to breach data.
  • Current passwords can be rotated manually or automatically. Users request to access will be offered new password and after one time use it will be reset. In case of issues, the PAM system will offer a report showing details of failed passwords.
  • If same area is accessed by group then PAM will offer separate and targeted access thus reinforcing no anonymity about who operated the system. You can even assign limited role for admin access. At every access point user can be detected whether a request is issued or not for same area.

Workflow & session management

  • Automation means monitoring is performed through algorithm instead of personnel. It includes adherence of fluctuations in software and hardware components. Obviously, human intervention is needed to supervise and identify systemic irregularities.

  • PAM system alerts the needed admin for events like password request, password failed, web application transactions, etc. Automation reduces the possibility of inevitable human error because of increasing workload on IT personnel. Switching to automated solution allows to optimize security protocols, lower costs, and boost overall productivity.
  • PAM system manages access for the non-employees or subcontracted personnel [one-time access], so there is no need to give domain credentials to third parties in case of emergencies.
  • PAM system allows multi-factor authentication protocols for privileged accounts, which are always at risk for internal or external breaches.

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